Page name: BotO The Marina [Logged in view] [RSS]
2017-10-29 18:35:40
Last author: Painted Autumn
Owner: Synirria
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Athens Marina



Parking Lot

Aiden pulled the bike to a slow stop in one of the parking spots and killed the bike. "So, what did you think?" He asked, hoping he hadn't gone to fast for her liking. As he looked over his shoulder he noticed a faint pink hue to her cheeks from the wind whipping them in the face. She still looked absolutely beautiful.

"I loved it!" Madison replied a little breathlessly. "We have to do that again." She chuckled as she hugged herself to him before finally releasing her grip around his chest. She carefully climbed from the back of the bike and carefully smoothed down her dress before turning to look at Aiden and smiling. "I think you and I are going to have a lot of fun together."

Aiden swung his leg over the bike and turned to give Madison an assessing glance. "No harm done." He smiled as he reached out and linked his fingers with hers. "Oh really? What kind of fun?" He chuckled, leaning over he whispered slightly. "I'm glad you liked the bike."

"Let's go for a proper ride tomorrow, you can show me what this bike can really do." Madison grinned before leaning up and pecking a kiss on his cheek. "But until then, we have a party to attend. Let's go and dance the night away."

A few moments later Jace pulled into the post next to Aidens bike that wasn't already occupied by a car. Shutting off the car he quickly jumped out and hurried around to Adela's door. He held it open for her, holding his hand out to help her out.

Adela took his hand but didn't really use it to stand, she didn't want to hurt him. She looked around the marina, "I've wondered who owned that yacht, I imagined it was some old rich guy living on top of a hill outside of town."

Jace snorted and shook his head. "No just a rich boy..." he cleared his throat as he pocketed her keys. He had the room for them so it just made sense. "At least the weathers good." He wrapped an arm around her, his hand resting on her lower back as they walked along.

She nodded, hoping she wasn't under dressed after seeing Madison's dress. She wrapped her own arm around him as well, as much to help support him as for the comfort.

Emily climbed out of Sebastian's car carefully, having to consciously maneuver her legs to avoid giving any passersby a free view up her rather short dress. She stood with barely managed grace and tugged her skirt down a little. With her clutch in her hand, she looked towards Sebastian with a pretty smile. "Wow, is that it?" she asked, looking towards Risk's yacht. "It's huge!"

"I cannot imagine it being any other," Sabastion replied with a little frown as he closed his door and looked over the sparkling boat. It really was quite grand for such a little marina. He faced Emily and noticed her fiddling with her hem as he walked around the car to offer his arm. "Are you going to be alright? Is the dress making you self conscious?" He leaned a little to looked around the edges. "You look wonderful, you shouldn't worry."

"I'll be alright... I've just never shown so much leg before. I feel like I'm awfully pale." Emily admitted but with a smile as she looped her arm through his elbow. She leaned into his side and admired him again. He really was handsome and she felt so lucky to have him. "Well, shall we?" she asked, gesturing towards the boat.

When the Dodge Hellcat pulled up at the Marina, Cash grinned to Dorian. "Not too early after all~ Let's go see if there's any wiggle room left aboard."

"If not, I guess we'll just have to stand extra close," Dorian agreed and climbed out of his side of the car, coming around the other side to give an exaggerated bow to Cash as he stepped out. "If you would allow me to escort you, Mr. Wicker," he said with all the pomp he could muster and offered his arm.

"Only 'if not'?" Cash raised an eyebrow before his grin stretched wider across his face and he stepped out: "Such a gentleman, Mr. Kasen~"

"Well you deserve to treated in a gentlemanly fashion," Dorian replied with a grin and waited for Cash to close and lock the car before making their way down the dock to the ramp and onto the yacht.

Nathan finally arrived, glancing at his watch then to the yacht after shutting the door of his Prius.

Starboard (Entrance)

Aiden hooked Madison's hand on his arm, his free hand laying on top of it as he led her down the ramp. He glanced around and saw a yacht that seemed to be decked out in decorations. "That's one hell of a boat." He smiled and shook his head as he steered them over to it and gently helped her up the ramp and onto the deck. He cleared his throat gently, "Hmmm seems we're the first to arrive. That's so bad for my reputation." He teased.

Risk had noticed and heard Aiden and Madison boarding the boat, and he needed to remind himself that Madison was not his. She never really had been. And yet, seeing her on the arm of a man he had yet to meet--which was a hard thing to accomplish considering he new just about everyone in their little town--made a rather familiar flare of jealousy bloom in his chest. He took a breath, cleared his throat, and emerged from the cabin of the yacht with his arms up and a booming voice. "Ah, my first guests! Welcome aboard!" He approached them easily, adjusting the sleeves of his shirt at his elbows and offering his hand to Aiden to shake. "I am Risk De Lorme, your humble host." he said, trading grips with Aiden first and then smiling at Madison. "Madison, you look absolutely breath-taking. I'm so glad you could come." he said, taking her hand and kissing the backs of her fingers with a somewhat theatrical bow before releasing her. "There are food and drinks in the cabin, music will be playing shortly, and we'll be shoving off at six. If you need use of the latrine, it is down below in the bedroom. Please make yourselves comfortable."

"It's nice to see you again Risk." Madison greeted in an incredibly formal tone. "Risk this is Aiden.." She glanced at him and her smile relaxed into something genuinely happy. "My date. He's new in town hoping to start up a business just like me. We just happened to bump into each other and we hit it off immediately." She gave his arm a gentle squeeze. "Aiden this is Risk. He helps to develop a lot of the property here in town and might actually be able to help you get started with your business ideas."

Aiden grasped Risk's hand firmly, but not too firm. He gave the man a nod of his head and listened to the two exchange pleasantries. He raised an eyebrow at her for a moment and gave a small shake of his head. "Thanks, but I'm covered. I just need to speak to a realtor and find a good space." He gently kissed the top of her head, his arm snaking around her back so his hand rested on her hip. "Nice yacht, Risk."

"Thank you," Risk said to Aiden, though his smile was a bit strained. He had just blatantly and rather flippantly rejected any chance of working with him for his business, which Risk was not accustomed to. No one was immune to his charms or smile when he really got going, especially when it came to work. He was just glad the Blakewood twins were not here to witness the rejection. "Well, I'm happy for you both. Like I said, please make yourselves comfortable, feel free to ask if you need anything." he said again. He moved away from them with a brisk step, heading to the ramp to keep an eye out for anymore incoming guests.

Madison watched him go with a light smile then looked up at Aiden, leaning into him as she did." So.. That's Risk." She whispered to him. "And I have to say.. I felt nothing for him. I guess that's the effect you have on me." She smiled playfully. "Shall we get a drink?"

"I hope we've made it back before most of the guests have got here.." Lena said to Tilly as she pulled to a stop at the marina. For the short trip between Risks condo and the marina, Lena had made most of the conversation but she didn't mind, she knew Tilly wasn't the talkative type. She climbed from the car and motioned with a smile to Tilly to follow her. She headed up to the yacht, her smile widening at the sight of Risk waiting to greet his guests. Her smile slipped slightly when she stepped onto the yacht and caught sight of Madison with the unknown man, standing off to the side and watching her as she appeared. They seemed to be the only other two on board. "I'm back.." She said to Risk with a small smile as she stepped over to him. She glanced at Madison then looked back at Risk. "I thought she wasn't coming.." She whispered.

"As did I," Risk said, keeping a pleasant smile though his voice was low. He slid an easy arm around Lena's waist and drew her closer. "It seems the gentleman that is her date is rather persuasive. No matter, the more the merrier." He pulled her against him and kissed her cheek politely. "You still look stunning, my dear Lena." He pulled away from her just enough to greet Tilly, his smile broad and authentic. "As do you, Ms. Gelson! Bravo." he complimented.

Risk saw Lena and Tilly off to the refreshments table with a smile, then turned back just in time to see Jace and Adela coming up the ramp. He kept his smile on, authentically surprised by Jace's appearance. "Jace! Good man, thank you for coming!" he said, offering to shake his hand, and nodding in greeting to Adela. "And who is your lovely date? I don't believe we've met."

Jace moved forward and shook Risks hand, flinching slightly at the movement. "Risk, hope it's okay I came." He beamed down at Adela, emotions ragging through him at her gentleness and coddling. "This is Adela, she works for Athens Harbor PD. Adela, this is Risk, he helped me start up the dojo."

Adela offered Risk her hand for a firm handshake, "Nice to meet you, Risk." She said pleasantly.

"Likewise, officer," Risk smiled sincerely and then released her hand, using his instead to motion to the ship behind him. "Please make yourselves comfortable. The refreshments are in the cabin." he smiled. "We set sail at six, so be prepared."

"Risk.. This seems like a quiet affair." Caiden Blakewood spoke up as he and Roan boarded the yacht, both dressed in casual white shirts and dark blue trousers. "Please don't tell me we've arrived before most of the guests, that's not very fashionable is it?" He joked with a chuckle.

Risk gave a greeting nod and shook hands with the Blakewood twins. His cheeks were starting to hurt with how much he was smiling. "Unfortunately, you have. These are only the early birds," he explained with a motion back to Aiden, Madison, Jace, Adela, and Tilly. He turned towards where Lena was standing with Tilly at the refreshments table in the cabin, and waved her over. The Blakewoods were there now and he needed her there with him. "We should be expecting more guests any time now."

"You've never shown so much leg in public before," Sabastion corrected, purposely letting her realize the implication herself as he led her up the ramp to the boat and assessed who had already arrived. They weren't the first but Nathan wasn't there yet either. They should probably greet the host. He looked around for Risk and carefully approached, not wanting to interrupt any current conversation.

Risk let the Blakewoods go to speak with Jace, smiling as he saw them off, and his smile only widened with more sincerity as Lena joined his side. He looped his arm around her waist and nuzzled the side of her face a little before approaching steps caught his attention yet again. He greeted Sebastian and Emily with the same polite patience he had with the previous guests before them, offering his hand to Sebastian to shake. "Ah, more guests! I do not believe we've met." he smiled at the pair.

Emily tucked a stray piece of inky black hair behind her ear and bashfully explained, "We're friends of Nathan's. He invited us. But we have met, actually... at the diner a few days ago, to be exact." She looked at Lena, and she smiled at her with a barely contained laugh as Risk nodded in embarrassed realization.

"It is good to see you again, Risk," Sabastion greeted and shook his hand before addressing his companion. "And you as well, Lena. This is quite the striking difference to your attire in the diner but you have looked lovely both times. I hope your personality has not changed so much since the last time?"

"Here we are, ladies," Teos announced as he stepped out of the car Ate had called and held the door, offering his hand to help Ate and Jade out. He thanked the driver before he drove away then offered his arm to the goddess then the descendant to assist them up the ramp to the boat. It was a little surreal to think of how many descendants were going to be in such a small place this evening when less than a week ago he had not even met one. Truly the Fates smiled on them at least for tonight.

"Oh no, I'm just the same old Lena." She chuckled to Sebastian as she smoothed a hand over her dress. "This isn't even mine. It belongs to a friend.. And here she is now!" Her smile widened at the sight of Ate, Teos and Jade emerging onto the yacht. She waved to them in greeting then looked back at Sebastian and Emily. "We really hope you have fun tonight."

"Well isn't this extravagant? A little over the top but then I wouldn't expect anything less from this particular descendant." Ate whispered playfully as they stepped onto the yacht and Lena waved to them in greeting. "Jade dear, remember now, you are here to have fun. Drink, dance and even flirt a little if you wish. I know I plan to." She teased Teos lightly before motioning to the drinks table. "Shall we?"

"Why do you insist on trying to drive me to anger?" Teos lamented to Ate but he didn't seem terribly wounded by it as he walked with her to the refreshment table. "I'm surprised you would call this 'a little over the top'. I would imagine this doesn't even compare to the parties they once held on Olympus."

"You seem to forget the many years I have been missing from Olympus. Those parties are but a distant memory to me." Ate replied with a dramatic sigh before she lifted a glass of wine from the table and took a small sip. "Shall we greet the host? We don't wish to be rude."

"Thank you, and you as well," Sabastion accepted the farewell after glancing to who she was looking at. He wasn't familiar with them but Lena seemed excited so he gave a final nod to Risk and guided Emily away to the far side of the boat so they could over look the water and keep an eye out for a familiar face. He knew most of the guests as patients already but he had only socialized with a few of them. He wasn't sure Emily was much better. Well, Nathan seemed like more than the type of person to be able to introduce them to others, it would be easier after he arrived.

"Of course," Teos agreed with Ate after picking up his own glass of wine. He offered his free arm to Ate again and together they walked over to Risk and Lena just as Sabastion and Emily stepped away. "Lena, it is so good to see you again already," he greeted her first. "That dress looks wonderful on you, you are truly a vision this evening. And Risk," he added, smiling at the host of the party. "This is quite an impressive boat. Thank you for hosting this lovely event."

Risk smiled at Ate and Teos with that same, polite warmth and nodded at them in greeting. He shook Teos' hand, and kissed the back of Ate's and with a jovial tone said, "I appreciate your attendance! I also appreciate your aide to my dear Lena, in helping her find the perfect outfit for tonight." He turned his eyes back on Lena as he said this, his arm around her tightening a little. He admired her openly and something in his eyes deepened. "She certainly is a vision. Always is." he said, then seemed to remember where he was and returned to the conversation, but hugged Lena into his side. "I hope you both enjoy the boat and everything on it." As he said this, Jade approached and was apologizing, and he laughed it off with a nonchalant wave. "Please, do not apologize. We will be on this boat for a couple of hours together at least, we would have encountered one another eventually." he joked.

Tilly had managed to find some bourbon among the offered refreshments and only nodded at Lena's advice before starting to sip it. She had no intentions of being drunk, but she knew she'd never be able to bear...socializing without some amount of alcohol in her system. She perked up a little when she saw Jace arrive, but merely returned to carefully nursing her drink when so many people recognized and flocked to him--not entirely sure herself at this point if she was drinking so slowly to prevent drunkeness or to stall for time...

"I'm glad you think so much of lovely Lena here.." Ate said to Risk once Jade had left, a light smile on her lips. "Because Teos and I think the world of her and if anything or anyone were to ever upset, well we would be pretty mad." She tilted her head as Lena blinked at her then suddenly chuckled awkwardly.

"I'm sure everything will be fine Ate, you have nothing to worry about."

"I'm sure you're right Lena. Forgive me Risk, you just remind me of someone who was a little less trusting.." Ate replied thinking of Aphrodite. She smiled again. "Will you dance with me tonight, Risk?"

"I'd love if I could share a dance with Lena if you do," Teos put in with his usual friendly smile. Want to play a game? He gave Ate's arm an affectionate little squeeze. "Just to keep her company while I wait for your return?" he asked. Do you think you can guess all the descendants on board tonight?

Risk looked at Lena and smiled, true amusement shining there before he returned his attention to Ate and Teos. "I would love to have a dance with you, Ate," he said with a slight bow of his head. "It would be an honor. And of course, that dance with Lena is up to her," he said and squeezed Lena's waist against his side gently.

"Oh good, it'll give us a chance to talk." Ate purred back at Risk as Lena looked at Teos with a playful smile.

"Of course I'd love to dance." She said to him. Do you want me to guess who they're descended from or just that they are a descendent? She thought before looking at Risk. "It's almost time to go. Are we missing anyone?"

"Wow, he really pulled out all the stops with this one..." Dorian commented, a little in awe at the spread and decoration of the boat as he and Cash boarded arm in arm. He used his free hand to check his vest was straight which was a little pointless since he was certain Cash would have fixed it if it were out of place. When he spotted Risk with Ate and Teos, there was a half moment of pause but he did raise his hand in welcome to the three of them and the lovely woman on Risk's arm. That must be his assistant then. "They make quite the couple, don't they," he muttered softly to Cash, a teasing grin in place as he looked in their direction so Cash would know who he was talking about.

"They certainly look it..." Cash responded with a smirk of his own. He certainly was curious about the relationship and eager to tease, but he refused to comment on their compatibility on appearances alone. Even in jest. "Should we harass him now, or leave them be until he can't kick us off the boat without being charged?"

Just if they are one, but consider me very impressed if you can guess who their ancestor is. Teos waved toward Dorian as he boarded the ship. "You have some others to greet," he directed to Risk and Lena. "And I think I see someone we'd like to go say hello to, if you'll excuse us?"

"Oh absolutely the latter," Dorian agreed, looking away from their friend in favor of gesturing to the refreshment tables. "Care for a drink?" He hadn't known Ate and Teos were going to be here, he just wanted to enjoy the evening. He sincerely hoped she wasn't going to take this time to tell Cash. He wanted him to never know. He wanted him to stay out of it, to keep his life just as it was and continue being happy. He just wanted that much.

Risk showed Ate and Teos his teeth in a friendly grin and nodded. "Of course. Please make yourselves comfortable and help yourselves to any refreshments. Let us know if you need anything else." he said and saw them off. In the interim between greeting guests, he turned to Lena with a deep breath and another warm smile. He admired her, his eyes rolling over her features with an obvious slowness, and his arm around her waist tightened a little. "You are perfect." he whispered as he tucked his cheek against hers.

Lena had smiled playfully at Teos and given the smallest of nods to him to show she would play his game. When Risk turned his attention to her she smiled and couldn't help but blush. "Are you sure you're not describing yourself?" She whispered back playfully.

Risk chuckled at her. "I am confident, not narcissistic. There's a difference." he said playfully and kissed at her neck and cheek, the motions ticklish. He smiled down at her though. "They seem an interesting pair," he commented of Teos and Ate, "you certainly have a talent for making interesting friends."

"Yeah.. But they're good people." Lena replied as she turned her smile to Teos and Ate. "But.. I wouldn't put her in a bad mood.." She added with a chuckle. "Now..will we be setting sail soon? I'm eager to get this show on the road."

"Patience, my dear Lena. It's not quite six yet. We would hate to leave any eager guests on the docks." Risk smiled at her and kissed her lips this time. "I'm going to remain here and continue greeting guests as they arrive. You're free to go and mingle with the guests already here. Make more friends, entertain the masses, awe them with your beauty." he said dramatically with a flourish of his hand.

"Why not?" Cash gave a small grin--completely oblivious to Dorian's worries--as he walked to the refreshment table.

Stepping aboard and glancing around almost sheepishly, Nathan could not decide if he was more relieved that he arrived in time or upset that he managed to cut it so close in the first place.

Lena chuckled at Risk's behaviour then leaned up and kissed his cheek lightly. "Just call me if you need me, OK?" She said then with a final smile she turned and wandered off to greet some of the guests.

Risk watched Lena go with a wide and endearing smile. He watched her go until he couldn't see her clearly enough anymore among the throngs of guests, and then turned his attention ahead again just in time to catch Nathan coming aboard. He opened his arms and smiled at the other man. "Nathan! There you are. I was afraid you wouldn't make it!" he said with a chuckle and clapped him on the back. "Can I get you a drink, my friend?"

"I was starting to think so myself..." Nathan admitted with a sheepish smile to his host, "Nothing too strong?"

"No, of course not. We have some champagne, wine, water, fruit punch, soda... plenty of food." Risk said to his friend as he led him farther onto the yacht. He idly checked his watch as he did. It was almost six o'clock. Almost time to shove off and set sail. He would need to make the announcement. "May I introduce you to anyone?" he asked, smiling at him.

"Ah, yes please? If I know you at all, Risk, I'll need a starting point before attempting to work through the census you'd call a guest list." Nathan grinned back.

Risk laughed and clapped Nathan on the back as he led him towards the refreshments table to get him a drink. Now that most of the guests were here and it was close to shoving off, he supposed he could get in on the conversation as well. (to the refreshments table)

Port Side (Refreshment Table)

"Oh well doesn't he seem charming." Aiden teased with a roll of his eyes. With his arm wrapped around Madison he led her over to a table of drinks and handed her one. "I promise to play nice though... Hmmm my comment probably rubbed him the wrong way, about not needing his help." He picked up his own glass and frowned. "Though I was honest..." He leaned down and whispered into her ear. "I'm glad I have an effect on you then, love."

Madison smiled at Aiden then gently tapped her glass against his in cheers. "I wouldn't worry about rubbing him the wrong way.. He's a big boy. He can handle one loss.. Well two if you count me. I will be withdrawing my dance school plans from his office tomorrow and looking for help elsewhere.." She replied softly before taking a small sip of her drink and looking back towards Risk as Lena appeared. "The woman who has just appeared and now stands in Risks arms is Lena, his assistant, housemate and new girlfriend..the other must be a client." She continued glancing at Tilly.

"Well if you need any help, let me know. I would love to help you out." Aiden had almost said invest but he'd caught himself at the last second. He didn't need to rush things with her but he wanted to see her succeed. He listened to her explain who everyone was and frowned. "Isn't that like... conflict of interest or something?"

Madison gave a small shrug then smiled brightly when she caught sight of Jace and Adela. "They made it." She said in an almost relieved tone. It seemed she was just as worried about her brother getting here, as he was about her. "I wonder how many more people are expected to arrive?"

Jace gave him a small nodded as he turned and ushered Adela over to the drink table where his sister and Aiden were still standing. "Isn't this interesting... the two people who he's scorned are on the boat first." He chuckled and gave a shake of his head. Picking up a glass, he handed it to Adela, he eyed another one for a moment but shook his head, instead opting for water.

Aiden smiled at the couple when they came over. He wondered what Jace meant by him being scorned but figured now wasn't the time to ask. "How are you feeling, Jace?" He asked gently.

"I'd probably feel a lot better if I were drinking but I don't want to mix alcohol with my pills." Jace took a sip of his water and smiled. "Glad you two made it in one piece."

"Why wouldn't we? Aiden was amazing on the bike, there's nothing to worry about." Madison smiled reassuringly at Jace. "I hope we're not the only guests coming to this thing. Can you imagine how awkward that would be." She chuckled after a moment before the sounds of car doors slamming could be heard. "Oh.. Maybe that's someone else now.."

"Who invited the riffraff's to the party?" Jace's voice was deep but carried across the yacht with ease. He hadn't seen the twins in ages. His smile broadened as held up the hand with the water bottle. Last he heard they had been on their own yacht sailing from port to port.

Roan had been about to answer Risk when Jaces shout caught his and Caidens attention. They turned to look towards him, both grinning when they saw it was him. "Who invited you?" Caiden teased as Lena politely extracted herself from Tillys company, encouraging the other woman to mingle, and moved over to Risks side. "How are you Jace? Still playing around in the dojo?" Roan joked with a tilt of his head.

Adela looked up when Jace called out to the twins, she vaguely remembered them from the dojo before she left for the academy but wasn't sure who they were. "He'd better not be playing in the dojo for a little while." She said with a smirk, "I'm Adela." She said, offering a hand.

Jace set his bottle aside and reached out to shake both men's hands as they approached. "Hey boys..." He beamed at his old friends, glad to see they had gotten back in one piece. When Adela spoke up he smiled with a shake of his head. "She's right, I won't be participating in my classes for a while. Least till I'm healed. Adela this is Roan and Caiden. Boys this is my good friend Adela," He gestured to the couple beside him. "My little sister Madison and one of Jade's new tenants, Aiden." Aiden gave them both a polite nod. "Evening."

"Little sister? We can see who got all the good looks in the family." Caiden complimented Madison with a flirtatious wink making her chuckle and blush before he looked back at Jace. "Heal? Why what have you done? We were hoping to get some personal training sessions in soon. Strengthen ourselves back up again..Is that out if the question then?"

"I'll see what I can do. I was hit by a car recently and am still a bit sore. Just got out of the hospital today." Jace saw Aiden stiffen at Caiden's flirtatious comment about his sister and frowned. Clearly the man already had feelings for her.

"Flirt... right..." Jade said with a small smile. Her eyes scanned the yacht until she found her friends huddled together with... The TWINS! "Excuse me, Ate... Teos." She touched there arms before hurrying over to the group. She came up behind Caiden and wrapped her hands around his eyes and whispered. "Guess who?" She winked at his brother.

"Well well.." Caiden smiled lightly. "I do believe that is the voice of the only woman who was ever a worthy opponent in the pool." He answered before raising his hands and taking hers, peeling them from his eyes. He turned towards her and raised her hands to his lips, kissing them both affectionately before smiling at Jade. "Good to see you." He said then suddenly pulled her into a hug as Roan chuckled before looking at Jace. "There's no rush.. Take your time to rest." He told him.

Jade beamed at Caiden as he teased her, knowing that she had been there only real competition back that. "How are you boys doing?" She asked as Caiden hauled her into a hug. She kissed his cheek gently before moving to his brother. "Roan. You guys look great. I'm glad you're back in town." She hugged Roan as well, giving his cheek a soft kiss as well.

Jace watched Jade, his smile soft as he leaned down to whisper into Adela's ear. "She seems to be in better spirits at the moment. I heard she hadn't taken the break up well and was drunk all day yesterday." He frowned down at Adela, knowing this news would shock her just as much as it had him.

"We got a little bored travelling the world." Roan replied playfully as he hugged Jade back. "We're doing great. We've secured several more property deals in different locations so we're happy. But it's good to be home. We missed this place."

"You sound like you are quite the successful pair.." Madison spoke up with a smile.

"Well if creating our own multi million dollar business makes us successful then you can definitely call us that." Caiden replied playfully making her blink. "I'd love to take you up to our estate, we have beautiful gardens that are wonderful to walk through. I think you'd like it." He added, his tone still flirtatious.

Jade met Aiden's eyes and they held a bit of anger before turning away. She frowned slightly and nudged Caiden's arm, shaking her head at him. "How about both you gorgeous boys save a dance for me when the festivities get started?" She raised her eyebrows as she looked over at Risk. "I got a bit ahead of myself when I came aboard and saw you so I'm going to duck over and say hi to our host." She patted Roan's cheek gently. "Keep your brother out of trouble." With that she crossed the yacht to Risk and smiled softly. "Sorry about my rudeness... I saw the boys and just couldn't contain myself. Thank you for inviting me."

"Well, thank you. Be sure to save a dance for me if it's okay with Lena." Jade gave the other woman a sweet smile. They clearly seemed happy together, maybe Risk was a good man after all. "I'll see you both later." Always the social butterfly she made her way back to her ever growing group of friends and slipped her arm around Caiden's.

Whilst Jade had been speaking to Risk and the others, Madison had politely declined Caiden's offer and had wrapped her arm around Aiden's as if to fully demonstrate she was here with him. Caiden smiled and gave a small nod. "Understood. I didn't mean to impose..but I hope you will at least save a dance for me. If that's ok with your date?" He asked with a raised eyebrow at Aiden just as Jade returned to his side.

Aiden beamed down to the beautiful woman at his side. The fact that she had turned Caiden, a very rich, very attractive man, down made his heart swell towards her. They weren't really anything yet, they just had good chemistry. "Honestly, that's up to Madison." Aiden turned to look at Caiden with a smile. "I'm not her keeper, just her date."

"Well I imagine one dance won't do any harm." Madison replied playfully as she looked at Caiden before turning her attention to Jace. "Are you feeling OK?"

Jace smiled gently at his sister before leaning over and placing a gentle kiss on temple. "Maddy I'm fine... I swear. If I was in too much pain I wouldn't be here."

"Yes you're stubborn remember?" Madison teased with a small chuckle before she looked at Aiden. "Shall we mingle, I can't imagine spending the night with my brother makes me look very cool." She said playfully before turning her attention to Adela. "It was nice meeting you. I hope Jace doesn't give you too much trouble tonight."

"Must run in the family because I know a beautiful young woman who is just as stubborn." Jace smiled, teasing her right back. He beamed down at Adela and gave her a squeeze. "Please... I never give Adela trouble..." He gave his sister a soft wink as Aiden gently nodded to the group and led her a few steps away.

"Mingle hmm? You'll have to introduce me to the people you know then. I feel slightly like a fish out of water." Aiden glanced over his shoulder at the beautiful ocean behind them and chuckled. "Bad pun I guess since we're surrounded by water."

The grin quickly became a frozen caricature of itself when he saw an all-too-familiar figure wearing purple and sipping bourbon. "You know what, let's go explore, first." Cash gripped Dorian's arm and gently pushed him towards the Deck.

Adela smiled, listening to the conversation, but her mind was elsewhere. She gave Madison a wave of farewell and looked at Jace, "Sorry I'm not a very good companion tonight, what were you saying about Jade though?" She had been drunk the day before?

"Everyone's very friendly here so don't be afraid to just say hello." Madison told Aiden playfully. "See anyone you want to go say hi to?" She asked him curiously as she watched the Blakewood twins standing next to Jade.

Aiden looked around the boat at the people he could see and nodded to a slightly older man and young woman. "How about those two? I believe the one is the nurse from Jace's room, is she not?" He couldn't quite remember but he was almost certain.

"Oh yeah I think you're right." Madison nodded with a smile before she slipped her hand around Aidens and pulled him towards the pair he had pointed out.

Once everyone wandered off, Jade turned to the twins, a soft smile spread across her face. "So tell me all about your travels. One of these days I'll have to go with you. Maybe it'll keep me out of trouble." Her smile didn't quite meet her eyes but she was definitely trying to get into the spirit of the party. What with the past few days and now Archer in the hospital, it was getting increasingly harder for her to be her upbeat self. She glanced up when she noticed Teos heading in their direction. "Boys I'd like you to meet one of my tenants." Raising her voice a tiny bit she called to Teos. "Teos, if you're not busy, come meet two of my dearest friends."

As much as he was certain he would come to regret it later, once he had identified who was speaking to him and he made sure Ate was content with her drink from the refreshment table, Teos excused himself momentarily and left the goddess to her own devices. He was certain she would rather go where she wanted rather than through actual introductions all evening. "I'm never too busy to meet your friends," Teos replied to Jade as he stopped by her side and gave her a familiar friendly smile before offering it, and his hand, to the twins each in turn. "Teos Steinico. It's a pleasure."



They introduced themselves as they smiled pleasantly at Teos and each took their turn shaking his hand. "So you're new in town? We'd be happy to help you with anything you might need." Caiden spoke in a friendly tone.

"So what brought you to town?" Roan asked curiously.

"Roan, Caiden," Risk greeted with a nod to the Blakewood twins as he led Nathan to the refreshments table and poured both himself and Nathan a glass of champagne. He offered it to Nathan and nodded at Jade and Teos as well, while noticing Ate hovering somewhere in the background. "How are you all enjoying this evening so far?" he asked, as any good host might. "Any complaints?"

"None at all," Teos replied after a half moment to make sure no one else intended to answer. "It's just what I expected of a Risk Delorne affair. Impeccable taste and well planned," he complimented with a smile. "It is good to see you again, Nathan," Teos greeted him as well with a little nod. "I am sorry we hurried off the last time we met. I was just about to let Roan and Caiden know I'm here to see family-" He addressed the group a bit more so he wasn't ignoring anyone. "Jade is my niece, with some distance of course."

"Mr. Steinico..." Nathan's smile tightened even as he accepted the champagne but warmed a little as it was turned to Jade, "Hello, Miss Sachiel. It's good to see you found my note. Has Mr. Michaels arrived, yet?"



Emily sighed happily through closed lips as she leaned against the railing of the yacht's port side, farther down from the refreshments table, but not too far from the gathering of people. It was quieter here, with some space between them and the crowd, and she could admire the open water and the sunset behind it. "This is beautiful," she said to Sebastian and graced him with a smile. She was excited. This was already quiet the gathering, and she was under the impression that not everyone had shown yet. Of course, Nathan was not there yet, and neither were Cash or Dorian. A select many of the crowd all seemed to know one another and she felt they would most likely dominate the party for the rest of the evening. She clutched her small purse in both hands and leaned against the railing on her elbows, the toes of one foot hooked behind the ankle of the opposite. She didn't seem to remember the shorter length of her skirt until a breeze ruffled it and she instantly straightened again with a small blush. Of course nothing inappropriate had shown, but she was rather self conscious that it would. "Are you thirsty?"

Sabastion chuckled at her instantaneous bashfulness and shook his head at her question. He made sure he had her attention, then nodded his chin back toward the crowd, specifically Jace with Adela, Roan, Caiden, Aiden, and Madison just as Jade departed the group. "Do you think the word 'rest' is missing from his vocabulary or he simply enjoys ignoring a doctor's orders?" He seemed more amused than annoyed. Jace had come in more frequently than just about any other person in Athen's Harbor that last few years and so he'd grown rather used to the man never taking it as easy as he should.

It took a moment for Emily to find Jace within the small crowd of rather excited guests and when she did spot him, she laughed in honest amusement and shook her head. "It's difficult to tell," she agreed and this time leaned back against the railing instead, to keep the backside of her skirt pinned down. Her blue orbs made their ways back to Sebastian's face and she smiled at him endearingly. "You do look very handsome tonight," she complimented. "I am a lucky woman." She knew she had said it once--maybe twice--already tonight, but she felt it important to say. She looped her arm through his elbow and leaned her head into his shoulder. It was only then that her gaze found Ate and Teos speaking with Risk and Lena and she lifted her head again. "I wonder who they are?"

"Business acquaintances?" Sabastion guessed. "The Blakewoods are here, so it could be someone they know too." He looked down at her. "But we could just ask. I don't see any reason we couldn't say hello and meet them."

Emily shrugged and smiled up at him. "It's up to you." She neither liked nor enjoyed overly social situations, and she wasn't sure how Sebastian would feel mingling with so many people at once. She didn't want them to become socially exhausted and overwhelmed too quickly. "At the very least, I think drinks are in order."

"Agreed," Sabastion told her and with that familiar upturn of his lips he nodded his head back toward the refreshments before guiding her that way to let her pick something out, politely greeting Cash and Dorian as they passed. 

"Hi." Madison smiled politely as she stopped next to Sebastian and Emily, giving a small wave to them as she did. "You were the nurse taking care of my brother Jace right?" She asked as she looked at Emily. "I couldn't keep him in unfortunately.." She chuckled with a glance at her brother. "You've met Aiden I believe but I don't think we've met.." She finished as she looked towards Sebastian.

"Sabastion Panas," the doctor offered and extended his hand to shake hers, then Aiden's as a matter of formality though he did give them both that upward quirk of his lips. He was smiling more with Emily around, but his default expression always seemed to make people believe he was in a bad mood, so he had adapted this. He motioned to his dark haired companion. "And as of today, Doctor Emily Cornary."

Emily gave Sebastian a wide smile as he introduced her. Adding the title of "doctor" before her name gave her all kinds of happy bubbles inside. She practically bounced to shake Madison's and Aiden's hands. "Nice to see you again, Madison. I'm glad Jace is feeling well enough to be here tonight," she joked. "And nice to meet you, Aiden. How do you both know Risk?" she asked as a means into a light conversation. "We're friends of a friend of his, I suppose. We were invited by Nathan, I don't know if you know him."

Aiden shook both their hands politely as he glanced down at Madison. He figured he'd let her explain what she wanted to of her relationship with Risk. "I actually didn't until a few moments ago. I'm new, just into town as of a few hours ago. Jade was nice enough to offer me a home." He was glad to see his hair didn't put off people in this town. He knew he had a different way of dressing and looking but so far the people of Athens Harbor were very friendly.

"Risk and I.." Madison started a little awkwardly as she rubbed her arm and looked at Emily. "We uh..dated once." She finally answered with an embarrassed smile. "But it wasn't anything serious.." She gave a small shrug then cleared her throat. "So long have you two been dating?"

Sabastion wanted to ask if she meant they had dated 'at some point before' or simply went on a singular date, but Madison seemed to sincerely prefer moving on from that subject and he was willing to until she asked the next question. He and Emily had never gone on a proper date so much as simply came together. He supposed tonight might count but did going out to eat together count? She had moved in not even a week ago. Well, he supposed it might count to say since they first shared intimacy. "A few days?" he tried, looking to Emily for confirmation or correction. "I suppose tonight is our first proper date, isn't it?"

Emily looked at Sebastian with deep admiration in her eyes, even if the smile on her lips was light. "Yes, I guess it is," she said, laughing lightly at the shared realization. "Unless you would prefer to count that walk on the beach." She raised her brows at him and smiled, then lifted her glass of water to her lips. The stemware glasses were perfectly chilled.


"Hey, hey!" Dorian laughed, trying to slow down Cash's insistent guiding once they were out of the main crowd of people. "Why the rush? Trying to steal me away for some privacy?" he joked though he did take the time to admire Risk's boat. It was so huge, did he get any use out of it when he wasn't hosting a party? Seems like it would feel pretty lonely.

Lena smiled through the guests then spotted Dorian admiring the boat. "Like what you see?" She said playfully as she stopped next to him and Cash, one hand wrapped lightly round a glass of champagne. "I'm Lena, Risk's assistant." She said holding her hand out to them with a bright smile as she introduced herself.

"It is certainly impressive," Dorian replied to Lena as he took her hand, but after a brief shake it brought it to his lips, brushing a chaste kiss to the back before releasing her. He offered his best smile but, although it was sometimes expected of him, his eyes did not wander beyond hers. "Risk always seems to have an eye for impressive things and people. We've," he motioned to himself and Cash as he gave his friend a smile as well, "heard nothing but good things. Your skills must be quite impressive."

Cash mentally floundered for an excuse, anything to keep Dorian from noticing Tilly and letting her presence ruin their evening, and his thoughts were still in a loud and flurried panic even when Lena introduced herself. Hearing Dorian's suave reply brought a relieved smile to the redhead's face before he turned the gentle expression to his unintentional savior: "To say nothing of your character, since he's taken such a personal interest~"

Lena gave an embarrassed chuckle before she took a small sip of her champagne. "I'm not that impressive, I just sort files and arrange meetings..and to be honest I'm not entirely sure why he took such an interest in me.." She spoke with a small blush. "But I'm glad he did. He's a good man." She smiled lightly at the pair. "So you two are good friends with Risk?"

"Couple of the best! Or so I like to think," Dorian replied with a bright smile. "Not the longest though. I've only known him a few months but it definitely comes across that he's good when you first meet him doesn't it?" he mused. "He's good looking and successful and confident- You'd think people would really hate him but... he's just too likable, you know? What am I saying, of course you know." He chuckled and leaned back against the railing next to him, resting his palms on the top to either side of his hips. "Just remember, we are our own worst critic. Sorting files and arranging meetings might not seem like much to you but it could, and probably does mean a lot to him." Like what Cash does for me. Please don't let Ate drag him into this-

"I thought you were my date for the evening, Kay?" Cash raised an eyebrow at Dorian's praise before turning to Lena with a playful smirk. "Dorian sees the best in just about anyone, but trust me when I say he's not much as usual." They're both such wide-eyed romantics~ I wonder if she's as nice as Risk thinks she is...?

Lena had smiled appreciatively at Dorians words and had made to reply when his voice suddenly invaded her mind. At the mention of Ate she couldn't help but glance over at the goddess who was curiously picking through the food that was sitting to the side. She couldn't imagine why he would be worried by her. Lena liked her very much. Before she could talk Cash spoke up and she smiled but as quickly as it appeared, her smile disappeared as she heard his thoughts faintly in her mind. I wonder if she's as nice as Risk thinks she is...? Oh no.. Are they going to dislike me? Why would he worry about that? Do I not not seem nice?  She awkwardly took another sip of champagne unsure of what to say now to fill the silence. She didn't have to worry because moments later another voice filled the air, as if drawn by her discomfort.

"I hope you boys are being my nice to my dear friend Lena here." Ate spoke as she smirked at Dorian and Cash. "Dorian.. How rude you've been not coming to say hello.. It's lucky I love you so much!" She teased before stepping forward and pecking a kiss on his cheek before she turned her attention on Cash. "It's nice to meet you again Cash. I'm glad we'll get the chance to have a proper chat..hopefully away from Dorian." She winked playfully.

Stay out of this. Leave him out of this. Not Cash.Keep him out. He's a good man. Should be safe, not in this. Whispered, desperate and fast ran through Lena's mind, the honest want carried with it even in only the tone. On the outside, however, Dorian smiled and kissed Ate's cheek as she kissed his. "I figured I would wait until you had no where to run to before I forced you to endure my company," Dorian replied, watching them perhaps a moment longer than need be before he returned his attention to Lena. Friends with Ate. Like me then? What does she do? Will she try to drag Cash in too? Don't. Please don't. Does Risk know? Is Risk like me too? "She's determined to ruin our romance," he pouted with a wistful sigh before he looked over at Cash with wanton eyes and held his hand out to him. "Don't let her come between us, darling!"

"Oh? Now I'm 'darling'?" Cash grinned anyways as he took Dorian's hand and lifted it to his lips. "As if I'd ever let you go, Gorgeous~" Much better~ Still holding Dorian's fingers to his smile, Cash turned his gaze to Ate: "Always a pleasure, but I promised my attention to Kay for the night. Maybe tomorrow?" Wait. When is Mr. Landrul calling, again? The redhead frowned slightly. "Actually, no, tomorrow is booked as Yeah. Sometime after five in the afternoon."

"You're trying to book me in?" Ate asked with a raised eyebrow before she was shook her head and waved her finger at him. "You do not fit me into your schedule Cash, when I arrive you make time for me." She added playfully, though to her it was the truth. She wasn't one to be told to come back later. She glanced at Lena and noticed her wide eyes as she looked between Dorian and Cash, obviously feeling overwhelmed by the sudden flood of their thoughts on her mind. "Drink dear Lena.." Ate said as she tapped her champagne glass against hers. "It should help.." Lena gave a quick nod then took a long drink. "You'll dance me later Cash? At least you can allow me that? I promise we'll have fun. Right Dorian? I'm a fun person to know.."

"Absolutely," Dorian agreed with an easy smile. Don't say anything to Cash. "But how could I stand to have him taken away for even a moment?" he added and tugged Cash forward as he stood and easily captured his waist with the other arm, leading them in a vague sort of dance twirl together. Cash stumbled of course but Dorian was strong enough, if not graceful enough, to support him anyway. He ended it with simply swaying with him even if there was no music, then he stopped and pointed at Ate challengingly with the hand that still held Cash's. "You'll have to fight me for him. Lena can be the judge," he added as an after thought, flicking his finger toward the blonde woman as his blue eyes glanced at her. What do you do?

Cash's cheeks flushed in surprise and embarrassment for his missteps, but he only grinned brighter as Dorian lead them into an impromptu dance. When the dance ended just as suddenly and his partner quite dramatically challenged their new friend, Cash just could not stifle his laughter in that moment of confusion.

"Fight you? Oh Dorian how foolish you are.. You know any fight you try to have with me would be a failure.. I am unbeatable.." Ate smirked as she tilted her head. "You seem to be underestimating me.. Like you forget who I am." She turned her eyes to Cash. "You would be falling madly in love with me when you see how well I dance.." She chuckled as Lena kept her eyes on Dorian.

"I'm sure one dance with Ate would do no harm.." She said suddenly as she smiled lightly. "It would allow us to have a little chat Dorian."

Why? What for? What do you do? "Well, if Cash wants to accept, who am I to try and stop him?" Dorian replied, turning his smile on Cash. I don't want you to go. "I promise, not even a woman as lovely as Miss Lena here could tear my eyes from you," he promised. "If you want to share a dance, I will simply have to miss you until you return to me."

Cash tried desperately to restrain his smile as he sighed dramatically: "Sorry, Kay. I sincerely doubt either of us have much say when Ate's decided on something," he glanced to Ate for confirmation before turning back to Dorian with a softer expression. "I'll be back in half a breath." Maybe she moved here because of a messy divorce? Or she's trying to play matchmaker?

Lena blinked at Cash then glanced at Ate. If only he knew who you are and why you're here. She thought with a small smile before she looked at Dorian as Ate extended her hand to Cash with a smirk. "Why don't you come with me to switch on some music for these two? They can't dance if they don't have music." Lena said politely to Dorian.

"Good idea. I think more than just these two would enjoy some dancing anyway," Dorian agreed with a nod. "I call the next one though," he added to Cash and gave him a quick cheek kiss before offering his arm to Lena, allowing her to lead him to the sound system.


Jace glanced around at Roan, Caiden and Jade. He gave them a small smile before excusing them. His arm wrapped around Adela he led her over to the railing and sighed gently. "She's not taking this break up very well. I'm not sure if it's because of how it happened or if she truly loved him. I've never seen her in love before so I'm not really sure what's troubling her most."

"She looks fine now." Adela muttered with a hint of bitterness in her voice before she sighed, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that." It was just that... Archer was in the hospital because of all this, and here they both were, at a party instead of with him. It didn't feel right, she took a long drink from her glass.

Jace squeezed her gently, torn between defending his best friend and consoling the woman he held strong feelings for. He gave a soft sight as he set his bottle of water on a near by table. Turning back to Adela he placed his hands on her shoulders. "Listen, I know you're upset. You know how I know? Because so is Jade. What happened to Archer, shouldn't have happened but neither of you can change that now. Especially since the doctors won't let you see him." Carefully he pulled her against his chest, his arms sliding around her shoulders. "I just wanted to get you out, and away so you wouldn't be by yourself and dwelling."

Adela nodded, barely keeping her eyes from filling with tears. That was why she was there, to help Jace out and to keep herself from brooding, or going into the hospital and doing something stupid. She took another drink and then rested her head against Jace's chest, "Thank you." She said quietly.

Jace's chest tightened as he held Adela close. It wasn't easy for him to stand by and watch her care about another man but in the end they were friends and he would do anything to see her happy. He gently pressed his lips to her forehead and sighed. "Always..." He would always be there for her, which was probably what hurt him the most.

"I'm sorry." Adela pulled away from him. She knew how he felt and she knew standing there letting him hold her wouldn't make it any easier on him, "God I'm such an idiot." She muttered before taking another long drink and setting down her now empty glass.

"Don't be sorry, Adela... I want to be here for you. I care about you, you know that. So if a friend is what you need... then okay." Jace looked down at her empty glass and quirked an eyebrow. "Why are you an idiot?" He noticed a waiter milling about and waved him over, asking for a refill on Adela's glass. A few moments later the young man returned with a fresh glass.

"Don't worry about it." Adela said with a shake of her head before taking another drink. She knew she should slow down, she hadn't eaten anything since the muffin at Sophie's at the start of her shift, but a part of her wanted to just get wasted so she didn't have to think.

Jace quirked an eyebrow at her. Don't worry about it... Right... He watched as she took another sip of her drink. He couldn't remember a time when he really seen her drink so he started to grow concerned. "How about something to eat?"

That was because Adela had only been a big partier when she was working in the city, there were no clubs in Athens Harbor. "Sure." She said with a nod, she was kind of hungry.

Jace looked over to the refreshment table and noticed a large tray of finger sandwiches. "Ill be right back." He hurried over to the table, snatched up a napkin and placed a few sandwiches on it before returning to his dates side. "Here ya go, beautiful."

Adela took one with a grateful nod and took a bite, leaning against the railing as she chewed. "Thank you. Aren't you going to eat something?" She asked before taking another bite.

Jace quirked an eyebrow at Adela, without really thinking it over he leaned forward and took a small bite from her sandwich. With a slight grin he chewed then swallowed his bite. "Happy?"

BotO Athens Harbor
Blood of the Olympians

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